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Barney Allis Plaza Fountain

Artist/Designer: California landscape architectural firm of SWA and local architects Marshall & Brown

Dates: 1985


Located In Barney Allis Park near the Bartle Hall Convention Center in downtown Kansas City, this fountain runs nearly a block long. Computer-assisted cycling action varies both the colors and height of the water columns formed by the 112 geyser jets that propel water several feet high onto a series of granite steps. The park, dedicated in 1956, was redesigned in 1985 with the addition of sidewalks and this huge fountain. Located on the north side of the Park on 12th Street, it is a memorial to Barney Allis, well-known citizen and manager of the historic Muehlbach Hotel.

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The City of Fountains Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to the conservation of the historic fountains and sculptures in the Kansas City area. 

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